About Palmer Business Concepts
Jene’ Palmer is the owner and chief consultant at Palmer Business Concepts (Pty) Ltd. She is a recognised and long-standing achiever in the fields of strategic facilitation, business restructuring, financial analysis and management. She has served as Merger Consultant, Chief Financial Officer and CEO for various corporate groups and companies in both the listed and unlisted business environments. Her pragmatic and metered approach to essential metamorphosis within companies is supported by her remarkably clear and realistic view on operations and due diligence. She has a wealth of experience in the areas of pre-business rescue assessments, restructuring and valuations, and can provide advisory support to both boards and financial teams on the implementation of strategic and operational plans.
Jene’ attributes the successful implementation of an approved business rescue plan for the Phambili Dismed Group of Companies to a keen appreciation of strategy and open and honest communication. The business rescue encompassed the restructuring of businesses, performance management of staff, implementation of improved financial systems, as well as the renegotiation of short and long term debt while sourcing a working capital injection. Similarly, while serving in various capacities including CEO of the Spescom Limited Group, Jene’ was instrumental in expediting a turnaround of the Spescom Group by returning the Group to profitability, significantly decreasing the gearing ratio and improving overall performance. She ultimately facilitated a merger with Jasco Limited by extracting synergies from goal orientated technical teams and facilitating teamwork across organisations.
More recently she has aimed her passion for business growth and rehabilitation at small to medium enterprises, with the launch of Palmer Business Concepts in June 2013. It is her goal to establish workable and sustainable strategic and financial platforms for enterprises in a mentoring and advisory capacity; assisting companies in need of financial restructuring and offering much needed support and facilitation to help businesses improve performance and advance to the next level.
“Far too often no action is taken when small or medium sized businesses reach a plateaux with most floundering as economic circumstances start to overtake them. This is when clear strategic direction supported by concise operational planning is required to ensure that these businesses can scale up to the next level rather than become another business failure statistic.”
Jene’ is a Chartered Accountant and holds her honours degree in Accounting Sciences from the University of South Africa and a Bachelor’s Degree of Commerce from the University of Natal. She was selected as Finalist in the BWASA Business Woman of the Year 2008 and Finalist in CSSA IT Personality of the Year 2010.